Geographical Boundaries:

The Tempo neighbourhood is bound by Highway 402 (North), by Highway 401/Scotland DriveWellington Road/(East), Southminster (South) and just west of Colonel Talbot Road (West).

Mel's Insights:

Although the Tempo neighbourhood sits between established neighbourhoods such as White Oaks and Lambeth (Lambeth being more of a town within the city of London) it is a good old-fashioned patchwork quilt of rich farmland. It is a lovely area of green space that the city hasn't yet grown into. Tempo was originally considered a village, and most of it was destroyed with the construction of the highway in the 1950s. It won't be long before developers discover the potential of the area, with its open space and proximity to the highway. It could very well become one of those neighbourhoods like Lambeth who have seen regeneration and an increase in new developments over the past few years.

Quick Facts (courtesy of the City of London)

- 455 people live in Tempo, 7 percent fewer than in 2006.
- 68 percent of the 170 households are homeowners.
- Half of households have an annual total income of over $55,379.

CLICK HERE to check out the City of London's Neighbourhood Profile for a more in-depth look at the statistics of Tempo.

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